Prices, Hours & Booking
2 Hour EESystem Session
$1100 MXN
Minimum session recommended by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and UNIFYD Healing.
20 Hour EESystem Package
$9000 MXN
Save $2000 pesos when you book a 20 hour package!
Cannot be used for overnight sessions
Valid for one year
3 Hour EESystem Session
$1500 MXN
3 consecutive hours
30 Hour EESystem Package
$12000 MXN
Save $4500 pesos when you book a 30 hour package!
Cannot be used for overnight sessions
Valid for one year
10 hour EESystem Package
$5000 MXN
Save $500 pesos when you book a 10 hour package!
Valid for one year
Overnight EESystem Session
9 pm - 7 am
10 hours
Private Overnight Package
Sleeping in the zero-gravity recliner chairs
Pillows and blankets will be provided
Private bathroom with shower
Coffee maker, fridge, microwave
$2500 per person
1 - 2 people
Each additional person, from 3-8 add:
$1250 per person
Salt Detox Foot Bath
Enjoy a salt detox foot bath right after your EES session.
After an EES session, it is possible for the body to experience detox symptoms, such as cold or flu symptoms, aches and pains, and more. This is normal and a sign that the body is discharging toxins and cleaning house. The body may reabsorb toxins if it isn't supported with a proper detoxification process. It is important to assist the body during this time.
$200 MXN includes:
20 minute session in a warm, bubbly foot bath
salt detox mixture including Hypercharged EESalt
essential oils
magnesium oil spray
Centre Hours
Summer Hours Effective August 1 - September 30
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
By appointment only.
From October 1 onwards, we will be open Tuesday through Saturday , 10:00 am till 5:00 pm.
By appointment only.
We are closed on Sunday and Monday
There are 3 2-hour sessions each day, you are welcome to book one or more sessions per day.
Session 1: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Session 2: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Session 3: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Use our Book Now form below​ to request a session date.
Our online booking calendar will be coming soon.